How Cambridge SU Works

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Following the resignation of our Welfare & Community Officer this week, we would like to reassure students and offer some clarity about how Cambridge SU works as an organisation, and how students can make their voice central to what the organisation does. 


Stances and actions from the SU

Cambridge SU represents all Cambridge University students. We know this means that not all decisions resonate with every student, but we aim to continuously promote the principles of a fair democracy that all students have the ability to engage in. 

SU policy is set by Student Council, which determines our mandate on a wide range of issues and helps to decide the direction of our time and resources, including the collective actions of Sabbatical Officers. All Student Members can propose motions to Student Council in order to advance the issues they’d like to see the SU campaign on and services they’d like the SU to provide. Policy passed last term at Student Council is why, for example, our Sabbatical Team lobbies the University for divestment from arms companies and disclosure of the University’s investments, as mentioned in last week’s statement. 

We encourage students who want to set the direction of the SU to engage with our democratic processes. You can find out more information about how to get involved here, and reach out to members of our team at any time.

Members of the Sabbatical Officer team chose to issue a statement on 10/05/24 in response to the Palestine Solidarity Encampment launched outside King’s College on Monday last week. While sign-off from as many members of the team as possible is always sought, members of the team are never contacted to discuss this or other work while they are on leave. 

The SU stands by its support for all students affected by conflict, including the horrific war in Palestine, and affirms that their welfare and right to protest will always remain our highest priorities. Students can also always reach out to our Student Advice Service, to access free, impartial and confidential advice and support.

The SU as a Charity 

Cambridge SU is a charity registered with the Charity Commission and, as such, is legally required to act in accordance with Charity Law. While we can and will always support students' right to protest, we cannot always use the same tactics as other activists. The role of the Trustee Board is to fulfil legal functions required under law, and ultimately to ensure the long-term sustainability of the SU, thereby guaranteeing that there is a representative body for all students, both current and future. 

Signed by Cambridge SU Board of Trustees


Sabb Team statement on work on policy and solidarity with Palestine

As members of the Sabbatical Team, we wanted to provide an update about how we work to implement Cambridge SU’s policy around demilitarisation, divestment and disclosure.

The ongoing genocide in Gaza is unacceptable and deeply concerning. We continue to condemn the violence against the Palestinian people by the Israeli military in the strongest possible terms, and urge an immediate ceasefire. Likewise, we remain committed to standing against antisemitism, Islamophobia, and all forms of racism and hate that have spiked since October 2023.

At the University level, we have pushed, and will continue to push, for full disclosure of where the University’s investments are held, and for divestment away from companies involved in global systems of harm, including state violence and the violation of human rights.

Demilitarisation of the University - in terms of the companies it invests its wealth in, the firms it collaborates with, and even the firms it promotes for careers - is essential. It is critical that the University continuously develops a robust framework for supporting students affected by military violence across the world.

We will always defend students’ right to protest, to exercise free speech, and to hold this University to account. We will also, always, advocate for the welfare of all students. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to a future where all people, regardless of their background, can live in peace and security. Our solidarity with the Palestinian people is not just a statement; it is a commitment to action and a pledge to work tirelessly for a just and equitable world.

In solidarity,

Caredig ap Tomos, Access, Education & Participation Officer (UG)
Maroof Rafique, BME Officer
Fergus Kirman, President (UG)


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