The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer are impartial roles, held by people external to Cambridge SU and the University, in place to ensure that elections are fair and equal for all at Cambridge.
The Deputy Returning Officer provides an objective prospective on all decisions made during the electoral process, as well as handling any complaints and communicating rulings during the elections.
The Returning Officer will have overall responsibility for the elections. Their main responsibility over the elections is handling any appeals to complaint outcomes.
The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer will ensure that the election rules and Cambridge SU By-Laws are followed by all candidates and their campaign teams.
Along with the Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer, there are two students who hold oversight roles elected by Student Council. These students are present for the election count, and can offer insight as and when requested by the Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer.
Decisions and rulings made by the the Deputy Returning Officer and Returning Officer will be published on this website, and you can contact the Deputy Returning Officer and the elections support team with any queries about elections on
Results Breakdowns
Results of previous elections:
Rulings and Minutes