College Guide


Clare College has all the benefits of being a town-centre college, but still has some of the best gardens in Cambridge, which lie next to the River Cam. Clare is reasonably sized, with around 140 students in each undergraduate year. It’s the second-oldest Cambridge college, founded in 1326 by Lady Elizabeth de Clare with the money she acquired from the mysterious deaths of her three husbands!

Introducing your JCR Officer

Lily Roett | Class Act

My name's Lily and I am a Class Act Officer at Clare, I work closely with the Access Officer to ensure students from all backgrounds feel at-home here at Clare. To be specific, I run an Enhancement Scheme, in which lower income students are invited to Clare a week before other students, in order to ensure they feel settled and welcomed.


Key Facts

Sports grounds separate from College

Free gym 

Music practice rooms

Inclusive prayer space available

Vegetarian, Vegan & Halal meals daily

Riley Auditorium, 150 seat theatre

Gender Expression fund for all students

Accessible accommodation on main college sites


What is your favourite thing about Clare? 


2nd Year


My favourite thing about Clare is the atmosphere! We're not the most studious college if you're looking for that - I'd like to think that we have a decent balance between work and play (that's not to say we do poorly in exams and are taught badly - my supervisors in Clare have been better than a lot of my friends' at other colleges). Most people are quite chill and we have a lot of spaces to hangout - in our library common room, cellars (our underground bar), and hopefully our brand new riverside cafe!


2nd Year


I think the best part of Clare is the music culture! Even though I do not play an instrument myself it is a fantastic environment to be a part of. Clare is well-known for its regular Jazz Nights in cellars, and the college itself has a fantastic orchestra (Clare College Music Society).

Describe your first-year accommodation.


3rd Year

Clare's first year accommodation is pretty good. It's all together in Memorial Court, which is on Queen's Road right next to the University Library and the Sidgwick site (making it possible to get out of bed at 8.55 for a 9am lecture!). Most rooms are sets, which means you have a small bedroom attached to a larger living room and ensuite bathroom all to yourself, thought it's also possible to request a smaller room in order to save on rent costs. Rent at Clare is not the cheapest but also not the most expensive college, with rent for a set in 2023-24 costing about £1900-2000 termly, while the cheapest first year rooms are around £1600 a term. The kitchens (or technically "gyps") are well equipped by Cambridge standards, with hot plates, microwave, kettle, toaster, and fridge. You won't get an oven, freezer, or kitchen table though. The exception is the new block of accommodation which does have small tables - the rooms in this block are also quite different, with modern furnishings compared to the more traditional Cambridge feel of the rest of Memorial Court.

What is the food like?


2nd Year

In general, food in Clare is quite cheap compared to other colleges. A meal at buttery would usually be between 2 or 3 pounds, and a formal would be roughly 12 pounds (for 2023-24). Buttery food can be hit or miss, although we almost always use halal meat where possible and have a lot of vegetarian and vegan options. Dessert is usually fantastic (or so I've heard - we rarely have vegan desserts at buttery unfortunately). Our formal food is excellent, despite being one of the cheapest! Our vegetarian and vegan options at formals definitely do not feel like an afterthought, although I found the vegan desserts to be a bit too rich in chocolate sometimes.


3rd Year


I rarely eat in Buttery, but that's because I enjoy cooking and it's cheaper to make my own meals - but I have friends who eat there all the time so it must be alright! A meal costs about £3-4 pounds depending on what options you choose. There are always three options for the main: meat, vegetarian, or vegan.

Does Clare provide additional funding?


3rd Year

Clare offers case-by-case hardship funding, which you apply for from the Financial Tutor.
Every Clare student can get up to £300 over the course of your degree to fund summer travel. There are also various academic awards available. Clare subsidises the cost of University gym membership and Language Centre courses by 50%. For those who play sport at the university level Clare provides assistance in the costs of training and equipment. All students are also able to apply for up to £20 for the cost of a bike helmet and £10 for bike lights.


2nd Year


We also run an access scheme for students before the "regular" Fresher's week to help students from these backgrounds get accustomed to an environment like Cambridge! However, some other colleges are definitely much more generous in terms of funding and our bursaries come nowhere near as much as colleges like St. John's.

What welfare provision does Clare offer?


2nd Year

Both college nurses are fully trained at mental health provision, as well as physical health, and are relatively easy to get a hold of through the booking system. It's much more convenient than trying to find an appointment through the university. Like any other college, you are assigned a tutor and director of studies whom you can visit about any concerns, as well as the Dean who plays a pastoral role. Currently, the tutor system isn't ideal, as tutors often don't reach out to students, but I know that the SU is aiming to change this in the future.


1st Year


We always have great Welfare Officers on our College Union (Union of Clare Students - UCS) too that organise wellbeing events and keep everyones spirits high!

What are the facilities like at Clare?


2nd Year


The prayer room is 24 hour access in W2 Memorial Court, with prayer beads, prayer mats, prayer and religious texts (for Islam, Judaism, and Christianity; others available on request), and a compass! The room is on ground floor with a fully accessible toilet, minimal decorations, and is intended to be used as a multifaith space. There is a smaller room that can be closed off if anyone wishes for a more private space. 

What would you change about Clare?


2nd Year

I would probably make it more centralised/on one site. Though the main site is central, the other large accommodation site (Castle Court) is quite separate, which can be frustrating if you want to visit friends on a different site. Compared to some of the other colleges, where there is one main site which pretty much everyone lives on, it's not ideal.


1st Year


Better food and portion sizes at the buttery - although as someone who enjoys cooking, this does not affect me very much!


2nd Year


I think Clare does a bit poorly with regards to supporting students who need to stay in Cambridge in between term time. For most students (excluding situations such as estrangement), they're not willing to provide summer accommodation; you'll find yourself emailing other colleges for this, although if you do it early enough it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Storage space is also an issue and hopefully this will be worked on the next couple of years.

Other Resources

JCR website (undergrad community)

 College website