As a student at Cambridge, you should expect to feel included in the Cambridge community and to be treated equally and fairly by fellow students and staff members alike. This should be the case regardless of your age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. In addition to this, your background (for example your socio-economic background, culture or whether you are a care leaver or estranged student) should have no bearing on how welcomed and included you are made to feel in Cambridge.
Some University and external services, information and resources exist for specific groups of students. These include:
The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre is the University of Cambridge's accessibility and disability service, providing advice, information and support to all disabled students. The ADRC supports individuals with any disability, medical matter or injury.
Disabled students can access information on Reasonable Adjustments to study, Exam Access Arrangements and Adjusted Modes of Assessment on this page.
Cambridge has a community of several thousand international students.
Cambridge University International Student Office provides specialist support to students who come to study at Cambridge from outside the UK. They help promote and support student mobility opportunities and administer some specific international funding awards. The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) also provides a wealth of information relating to all aspects of study and student life for international students.
• EU Undergraduate students from low-income families may be eligible for the Cambridge Bursary Scheme
• The International Disabled Students' Fund (IDS Fund)
• Some Colleges may have their funds available to international students. You can access here a link to a list of all Cambridge Colleges.
• UKCISA provides lots of useful information and advice on International student finance
The National Health Service (NHS) is the UK's state healthcare system providing a wide range of healthcare services including appointments with a doctor, hospital treatment and dental care.
For advice on the provision and cost of health services such as doctors and dentists see the advice by UKCISA. As a Cambridge University student, you are entitled to free access and full use of the University Counselling Service, the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre, the Postgraduates Wellbeing Service and your College Nurse.
Making sure you take time to sort out your student visa is incredibly important whether you are applying from outside the UK to begin a course at Cambridge, or whether you are applying in Cambridge for an extension. The Home Office will give you information on applying for a visa, extending a visa and answering all your immigration-related questions as well as send you the relevant documents from Cambridge University. The International Students Office provides visa advice on a range of UK student-related immigration matters. The service is available to those with an offer to study at Cambridge, current students and their family members.
Our page on Anti-Racism provides information on accessing support from a BME staff member, external sources of support and information on reporting options.
The Childcare Office assists with childcare questions and issues. This Service provides free newsletters to subscribing parents and detailed staff and student-parent guides.
Support for Care Leavers and Estranged Students - The University has a section of its website dedicated to care leavers and estranged students where students can find information about accommodation and financial support. Estranged students may also find useful information from Stand Alone which is an advice centre for students who have no contact with their family.
You can access a list of other support services available on the UCAS website.
Carers or students with caring responsibilities can access information and advice from the Carers’ Trust, including financial support, arranging respite care, support groups, getting a break and caring for a specific condition. Student carers based in Cambridge may also wish to access support from Carer Together, which is a network of the Carers Trust based in Cambridgeshire.
Concrete Rose is a Community Interest Company delivering and equipping others to provide, first-class care and support for the most vulnerable young people across the UK. Check out their website to explore their initiatives, training and resources.
Information on financial assistance for care leavers and estranged students can be accessed in our Finance section.
Support for Equality Diversity & Inclusion issues
If at any point you experience inclusion issues, being treated unequally or you have experienced any form of discrimination or harassment, you may wish to discuss this with someone. The Student Advice Service can listen, help you explore your options, and support you should you wish to raise your concerns. We can help you raise your concerns informally or formally via the University’s reporting options. Your Tutor should also be able to support you on such matters. Students who have experienced sexual harassment or assault may also wish to access support from the University’s Harassment and Violence Support Service.
If these issues are troubling or confusing you or are impacting your mental health, you can also access support from your College nurse, the University Counselling Service, the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre and, of course, your GP. More information and resources regarding these matters can be found on the University’s Student Support pages.