For general information about student loans and other student financial support, please see the Funding page on the University’s website.
University travel awards are made annually from three funds. Read the conditions of each fund carefully to decide which one fits your application and travel plans the best.
Depending on your course and other criteria, your College might have its own scholarships or funding awards. Some colleges offer financial support for expenses such as books, software and travel. You may be able to find this information on the College’s website or in the College’s Student Handbook. Your College Tutor could advise you on the possible financial support available to you from the College.
This fund is available to students who need treatment for physical or mental illness, which cannot be obtained under the NHS, except for specific learning difficulties and dental treatment. Undergraduate and postgraduate students can apply, including those on intermission.
Disabled students are advised to register with the Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC). The ADRC is the University’s accessibility and disability service, providing advice, information and support to disabled students.
The University has two childcare support funds to help eligible families with their childcare costs. To find out more about these funds, please visit the Childcare Office website. You can also contact the Childcare Office to speak to one of their Advisors or arrange an appointment. They can offer advice on any financial support that might be available to you, including government and University funding schemes.
Details of support available can be found here.
This option is available to the following students:
• Undergraduate and postgraduate students who are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties and can evidence their situation.
• Undergraduate and Postgraduate students who were granted retrospective intermission (disregarding terms) and where the student has resided a little over the normal limit of 21 days and has then gone out of residence.
Applications are made through the College.
College Support
Some colleges have a gender expression fund dedicated to reimbursing students who purchase items to make them more comfortable with their gender presentation. If you cannot find details of a fund on your College’s website, speak with a Tutor, J/MCR Officer or one of our Advisors.
Action for Trans Health
Here you could apply for a Solidarity Fund which opens at various times in the year and offers larger grants, usually up to £250.
They provide monthly grants of up to £50 to anyone in Cambridge, with no questions asked.
Morf runs a free binder scheme.
The Scholarship Hub is a platform where you can access information on scholarships and tips from experts on applying for scholarships. The options available will depend on your course of study.
Grants are available to students:
• who are in financial difficulties and are normally in the last year of the course.
• who need to spend a short period studying in another country.
Turn2Us is a platform that helps you to match your information to grants that you may be able to apply for.
This grant is available to law students and it helps purchase items that will assist them on the path to becoming a solicitor.
This fund provides grants of up to £3,000 for full-time students and £1,500 for part-time students (2024/25) to current, undergraduate students. Students need to demonstrate that they are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties.
Applications must be supported by a statement submitted by a College Tutor, which confirms they have spoken to the student about their financial circumstances. College Tutors will request to see evidence of financial documentation regarding income and expenditure in order to provide their supporting statement.
If you have been assessed as independent by the funding agency, you are entitled to the higher rate of Cambridge Bursary.
UCAS also provides a list of organisations and charities that support estranged and independent students, covering all aspects of welfare and finance. This list can be found on this link.
This fund is available to the following group of students who are on intermission and in financial need:
• Care experienced and estranged students
• Refugee, asylum seeker and forced migrant students
• Young carer students
• Gypsy, Roma, traveller, showman and boater students
The Realise Financial Assistance Fund can provide awards of up to £3,650 (including support from the Student Loan Company).
If you intermit for health reasons, the Student Loan Company (SLC) may offer financial support with living expenses for a period of up to 60 days. The University needs to notify the SLC that you are intermitting for medical reasons. The SLC has the discretion to determine that all or part of the grant or loan can be extended to students who are absent from the course for longer than 60 days when the reason is ill-health, or for reasons other than illness. Further information can be obtained from your SLC.
Intermitting students can access financial support with medical expenses through Crane’s Fund.
Here you can find most University funding for postgraduates.
This is an external platform that brings together scholarships available to postgraduate students.
Here you can find postgraduate funding options with a guide to the loans, scholarships and bursaries available, and get advice on employer sponsorship.
It might be helpful for you to speak with your course Supervisor about possible sources of funding from your department. Click here for a list of the departments at the University of Cambridge.
As a postgraduate student, the University expects that you will have budgeted for the duration of your studies; however, in circumstances where you find yourself in financial hardship as a result of unexpected changes in your financial situation, you might be able to access the Postgraduate Financial Assistance Fund.
The Fund can provide awards of up to £3,000 to current full-time postgraduate students or £1,500 to current part-time postgraduate students.
Before applying to the fund, students should ensure they have applied to any Government, Funding Sponsor, College and Department resources which could assist their financial situation.
Information on eligibility criteria and the application process can be found here.
FfWG provides grants, to women graduates to help with living expenses, financial crisis and other areas of their education.
Grants are available to students who are in financial difficulties and are normally in the last year of the course.
If you are intermitting or thinking about intermitting your studies, speak with your Research Funding Council (where applicable) about your situation as there could be financial implications. It would be worth discussing with your funding body whether there is any financial support they can provide during intermission.
Your Tutor could advise you on any financial support the College could offer during intermission.
Intermitting students can access financial support with medical expenses through Crane’s Fund.
FfWG provides grants, to women graduates to help with living expenses, financial crisis and other areas of their education.
The Guide is free to access by using your University email address. To register online please access this link.
You may also wish to discuss your funding needs with the Funding Agency, where this is the case.
Being in charge of your finances has been shown to contribute positively to your general wellbeing. You can use tools such as a student budget calculator to check some of the costs you can expect when starting University and to help plan your budget for the term.
MoneySavingExpert has recently updated the Student Budgeting Planner article where you can learn more about knowing your budget to know what you can spend, practical tools and tips to plan your budget and how you could save money.
Create a weekly food budget and stick to it!
Having a weekly food budget can help you keep in control of your finances. Keeping to a budget means you are more likely to have money left over for other things, such as meals out with friends.
With even the cheapest meal deals set at around £3.50, this quickly adds up to £910 a year if you are buying one five times a week. This doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself, but plan this treat into your budget so you are less likely to overspend.
Plan your weekly meals
Planning your meals can help you avoid overspending on food that goes to waste. If you know what you are eating each day, this can help to reduce the amount you spend on takeaways and meals out.
There are plenty of cheap meal recipes online if you are stuck for ideas.
Think about where you shop
Often buying fresh fruits and vegetables at the market is cheaper than buying them in supermarkets or small local shops. Cambridge Market Square, located in the city centre, hosts traders daily from 10am to 4pm. Big supermarkets are usually cheaper than smaller shops.
Go vegetarian for two nights
Eating meat every night can quickly add to the cost of your weekly shop. Plan for two (or more) ‘meat-free’ nights to reduce the total of your shop.
Don’t shop when you are hungry
Leave your shop until after a meal. You are more likely to splurge on snacks if you are shopping with an empty stomach, which means you are more likely to go over your budget.
Check what you already have at home and write a list from there
This will help you to avoid waste and doubling up on food you already have.
Freeze your groceries
Freeze anything that can be frozen. This will prolong the life of food and can save money in the long run. Meat can often have short shelf lives. Put your meat in the freezer and get it out to defrost on the day you plan to use it.
Get rewarded for shopping
If you shop in the same place, see if they have a loyalty point system. Some loyalty points can be redeemed for things like eating out.
Look for weekday deals
Going out for food or drinks during the week can be cheaper than at the weekend. Many bars and restaurants have deals on meals and drinks during the week. Check available deals in advance to make sure you know what to expect.
Re-create your favourite meals at home
Buying the ingredients to re-create your favourite meals at home is likely to be cheaper than eating out.
Take turns hosting
This is a great way to socialise and cut down on your spending. You could even organise your own ‘Come Dine with Me’ to spread the cost of meals among friends.
Ask for a doggy bag
If you do eat out, you can ask for a doggy bag to take home anything you didn’t eat. This can be lunch or dinner for the next day.
Find a free birthday meal!
Some restaurants offer free meals if it’s your birthday. Other stores also offer a variety of freebies and discounts on your birthday. It may mean subscribing to newsletters or loyalty cards to access these offers.
Take cash on a night out
When you’re having a good time, the last thing you are probably tracking is your spending. Take the amount of money you want to spend in cash then you can’t overspend.
Charity shops
Prices vary from shop to shop. You are more likely to get a good deal on clothes if they are pre-loved. You could also take advantage of apps selling pre-loved clothes to try and reduce your spend on clothes.
Clothes swapping schemes
Look out for schemes available where people can swap clothes with others. This is something you could also organise with friends. You could refresh your wardrobe by swapping clothes or borrowing clothes from a friend.
Rent an outfit for a big event
Buying outfits for formal events can be expensive. You may even end up buying an outfit you wear only once. Look out for websites where you can rent formal wear and send it back when you have finished.
Student discounts
Some shops offer student discounts, and this is usually advertised. If it isn’t, it is worth asking the shop assistant as some may offer discounts.
Cambridge is bike-friendly. To save money, you can consider buying a second-hand bike online or at a local shop. You can also rent electric bikes or scooters using the Voi app. Some colleges offer or loan students bikes for free or for a small fee. Ask your College if this is something they offer and how to access it. Check out our information on cycle safety here.
Walking is not only great for your budget, it is also great for your physical and mental wellbeing. Listen to your favourite music, a podcast or take a friend to chat to.
It can sometimes be more cost effective to pay for a bus pass upfront.
You can also buy discounted student passes for the year through the major bus providers in the Cambridgeshire area.
It’s usually cheaper to travel by bus than the train, although this could take longer. Booking tickets in advance could save you money. If you are aged 16-25, you could save 30% on train journeys by using a railcard. Check here for available options.
Having an emergency fund or savings in general can give you the peace of mind that you have a back up if you face any unexpected costs.
Skimming trick
Every time you have money paid into your account e.g. your bursary or student loan, skim 10% off the total and put it into savings before you start spending.
Try the 1p savings challenge
On day 1, put 1p into savings. On day 2 put 2p into savings and so on. By day 365, you should have £667.95 in savings.
Have a ‘no spend day’ each week (or two)
It can sometimes feel like your bank account is leaking money when you are spending every day. Plan to have one ‘no spend day’ a week to see how you can get by without spending. Maybe on that day you walk instead of taking a bus; eat leftovers from the night before for lunch or prepare a coffee for your walk instead of stopping at the local coffee shop. Having to think creatively about how to avoid spending might help to build healthier spending habits for the future.
‘Save the Change’
Some banks have ‘Save the Change’ schemes where the price of items you pay for are rounded up, with this value put into savings. This way you can add to your savings without having to think about it yourself.
Avoid credit cards
Credit cards may seem like a quick way to purchase things you want or need, but you may end up paying a lot more for the product in the end as interest is added.
Don’t impulse buy
Sometimes our spending habits are linked to the way we are feeling. You could try the 30-day saving rule. If you see something you want, wait 30 days before purchasing it. Even better, put the money you were going to spend on that item in savings. If you no longer want that item after 30 days, you’ve added to your savings!
You could consider getting a TOTUM card which delivers student discounts across many national and online brands to help you keep costs down on all of your student essentials.
You can visit these websites for some more money saving tips:
Money Saving Expert
Save the Student
Some other resources for students who need advice on how to manage their finances are:
Money Advice Service
National Debt Line
Step Change Debt Charity
Work Out Your Budget - this is a budgeting tool that could help you understand your income and your spending, and where you could cut costs.