Listening and Advice Lines can be really helpful in your time of need. Below is a list of listening services available covering areas such as Mental health, Emergency Accommodation and Drugs and Alcohol support. If you are in need of immediate emergency support which cannot wait please call 999.
On the Student Support pages, you can find further information about Crisis Support and Information.
Term time support
Year Round Support
Togetherall is a clinically managed community providing peer-to-peer support. Trained practitioners are available 24/7 for extra support, when needed
Open hours: Access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. They won't judge you or tell you what to do, just listen to you.
Open hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Call: 116 123
HOPELINE247 is operated by suicide prevention charity Papyrus. Hopeline is a confidential support and advice service for Young People under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
Line is open 24 hours every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included)
Call: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 07860039967
Sane is a leading UK mental health charity working to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.
Open hours: 4.30-10.30pm 365 days a year
Contact: 07984 967 708 Provide first name and a contact number and someone will be in touch.
Email and textcare services also available.
NHS 111 Option 2
NHS 111 option 2 is run by the first response service and supports people experiencing a mental health crisis.
Open hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Call: 111 then press option 2
Shout is a free and confidential text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope and people who are anxious, stressed, depressed, suicidal or overwhelmed and need immediate support.
Open hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Text: 85258
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this.
Open hours: Open 17:00–00:00, 365 days a year
Call: 0800 58 58 58
Switchboard are a safe space for anyone to discuss anything, including sexuality, gender identity, sexual health and emotional wellbeing. The website also has a webchat option.
Open hours: 10:00am-10.00pm every day
Call: 0300 330 0630
Muslim Youth Helpline
Muslim Youth Helpline offers faith and culturally sensitive support by phone, live chat, whatsapp or email. The website also has a webchat function.
Open hours: 4pm-10pm, 365 days a year
Call: 0808 808 2008
The Mix (for under 25s)
The Mix is here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, homelessness, break-up and drugs. Webchat is available on this website.
Open hours for helpline and one-to-one chat: 3pm to midnight, 365 days a year.
Call: 0808 808 4994
Shelter has a helpline to support those who are homeless, at risk of harm or abuse or at risk of becoming homeless in the next 2 months. The following details are for Shelter England but the details for Shelter Scotland and Wales are also listed on the above linked webpage.
Open hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm, Weekends and bank holidays, 9am-5pm
Call: 0808 800 4444
Galop support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. They have the following helplines, with web chat also available at certain times:
National LBGT+ Domestic Abuse helpline 0800 9995428,
Open hours: 10am-5pm Monday to Friday, extended to
10pm on Wednesday on Thursdays.
LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline 0207 7042040,
Open hours: 10am-4pm, Monday to Friday (calls are
charged at the standard UK rate, a call back service is
National Conversion Therapy Helpline 0800 1303335,
Open hours: 10am-pm Monday to Friday
Respect is a charity who run a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse They also have a web chat function on their website.
Open hours: 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 0808 8010327
Respect also has a helpline for perpetrators of domestic violence and abuse.
Open hours: 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday
Call: 0808 8024040
Victim support
Victim support provides a helpline for anyone affected by crime, not only those who have experienced it directly. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place, you can get support any time.
Open hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a week
Call: 0808 1689 111
Survivors Trust
The Survivors Trust is an umbrella agency for specialist rape and sexual abuse services in the UK. They work with member agencies who provide information, advice and support. You can find your local organisation on the website and they also have a national helpline.
Open hours: 10am-12.30pm, 1.30-5.30pm & 6pm-8pm on Mondays,
10am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-5.30pm on Fridays,
10am-1pm on Saturdays and 5pm-8pm on Sundays
Call: 0808 801 0818
Suzy Lamplugh Trust and National Stalking Helpline
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is a personal safety charity and leading stalking authority. The trust runs the national stalking helpline.
Open hours: 09.30am-16.00pm every weekday and 09.30am-20.00pm on wednesdays
Call: 0808 802 0300
Survivors UK
Survivors UK provide support for any man, boy or non-binary person who has ever experienced unwanted sexual activity such as words, images or touch. They run a web chat and SMS service.
Open hours: 12pm-8pm, Monday to Sunday
Text: 020 3322 1860
Webchat: SurvivorsUK | Get Help 18+
Revenge porn helpline
The Revenge Porn helpline supports adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as revenge porn. You can contact them via email, facebook messenger or phone. On mondays they only operate an email service.
Open hours: 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Friday
Call: 0345 6000 459
Drinkline is a free confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their drinking or someone else's.
Open hours: 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday, 11am-4pm on Weekends
Call: 0300 123 1110
Al-Anon provides support for anyone who is affected by someone else's drinking, whatever the relationship you have or had with the individual and even if the drinker has since stopped drinking.
Open hours: 10am-10pm, 365 days a year
Call: 0800 0086 811
Drug Fam
Drug Fam provides a helpline to support families, friends, partners and significant others who are struggling to cope with the stress of a loved ones addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling. They also support those bereaved by drugs, alcohol, gambling and related causes.
Open hours: 9am-9pm, 365 days a year
Call: 0300 888 3853
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous can provide support and resources to those struggling with addiction to achieve and maintain a drug free life.
Open hours: 10am-midnight
Call: 0300 999 1212
NHS 111
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. You can get help online or on the phone.
Open hours: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Call: 111
Online form: NHS 111: Get medical help
Sexwise provides advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs and pleasure. They also have a search tool to allow you to find your local clinic to get free contraceptives and STI testing and treatment. They also have a helpline.
Open hours: 9am-8pm Monday to Friday, 11am-4pm Saturday and Sunday
Call: 0300 123 7123