Sign-up form:
In the spirit of this Green Week's theme of action, Plant-Based Cambridge is launching campaigns for plant-based catering in colleges. This day will train, inspire and prepare you to take action on climate change caused by the current food systems! Please bring along your friends!
The day will consist of 5 parts (one of which is run by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative), which you are welcome to attend as desired:
Meet Plant-Based Cambridge: Brunch Campaign Training & Planning
@ The Hive, Thrive Cafe Cambridge (, (student discounts available!)
- history of our campaign, present and the future of the campaign
- poster making, social media use
- break-out groups for College campaign planning
Thrive are kindly supporting our campaign - please come along and support them!
Learn from the experts: Lunchtime Panel & Plant-Based BBQ
in collaboration with Cambridge Zero Postgraduate Academy
@ Bradfield Court, Darwin College, Cambridge
Please also get tickets by Eventbrite:
Green Week: Plant-Based Panel & BBQ Tickets, Thu 27 Apr 2023 at 12:00 | Eventbrite
The panel will include experts in food sustainability. Learn why and how we should transition to sustainable food production and consumption, and the important role of universities. Is plant-based catering the future? The panel will include panellist introductions, questions from the chair, and the audience.
This event is kindly supported by Darwin College who will provide a free plant-based BBQ after the panel and discussion event.
Campaign Launch time!
@ Colleges
Supported by members of the Plant-Based Cambridge Team, head off to campaign in your colleges, set-up a stall to discuss and begin to engage with people and recruit support for your campaign.
Talk by Matthew Hayek (organised by Cambridge Conservation Initiative), Beyond Carbon: How food systems compound health and environmental risks
@Main Seminar Room, David Attenborough Building
Food systems emit 1/4 to 1/3 of greenhouse gases globally. However, stakeholders have vastly different concepts of "sustainability" beyond greenhouse gas mitigation. Additionally, multiple health and environmental burdens still remain poorly characterized, including infectious diseases, animal health and wellbeing, and marine biodiversity loss. Dr Hayek will highlight some examples of his recent analyses that have tested changes in food production, including pasture-raised meat, intensification, and plant-based dietary shifts that aim to widen the scope of climate and health trade-offs that are appraised. Then, he will detail future research plans that focus on alternative protein foods, including plant-based, precision fermentation, and cell-cultured meat. Lastly, he will discuss how food and climate policies may require grappling with a wider array of potentially cascading environmental and health risks, including risks that may be challenging or impossible to quantify.
Get inspired: Plant-Based Formal with activist speaker TBC
@ Location TBC
Come and celebrate the day's work, just the beginning of being an activist, and be inspired to keep it up!
Join the Facebook event here
Follow the instagram here.