Join us for the annual Student Members Meeting, where every student has a vote!
Unlike Student Council, all students are entitled to vote on policies and papers that come to Student Members', so make your voice heard!
The items at Student Members' Meeting are:
- Election of the Chair and Deputy Chair of Student Council
- Discussion papers
- An update from the Trustee Board
- Items for note:
- Budget proposals for the following Academic Year from the Trustee Board. Students are able to make recommendations to the Trustee Board during this section
- The annual audited accounts of the Students’ Union
- Items for approval/vote:
If you would like to run for Student Council Chair or Deputy Chair, please email and state which role you would like to run for.
This event will be online on Teams, please see below for joining instructions
This meeting is for student members of the University of Cambridge. You will only be admitted into the meeting if you are using a University email address. No guest accounts will be admitted as we need to be able to confirm attendees are students. You will enter the lobby first and then be admitted. Attendance will be noted through Teams but not published. Voting for motions and items for approval will be done through Microsoft Forms, and the Election will be done via the Cambridge SU website. See below for voting links.
Please note that anyone attending is not permitted to take pictures, videos or audio recordings during the meeting.
Access: The meeting will take place over Teams which gives individuals the option to turn on automated live captioning. Minutes will be available after being confirmed at the next meeting. Contributions will be accepted out loud, and you are free to attend with camera/microphone off.