Head Up! is running drop-in sessions on Thursday 20th and Saturday 22nd October from 16h00-18h00. We’d especially like to invite you to come along if you are interested in becoming a mentor or joining our team - we would love to recruit some more mentors and are looking for new committee members in a variety of roles with commitments ranging from 6 hours per year to 2 hours per week in areas such as admin, web management and events. Feel free to pop in when you can for as long or as little as you want - you’ll be able to meet and chat with committee members and mentors and ask any questions you have. Join us on Zoom:
Entra nella riunione in Zoom
ID riunione: 820 289 1740
Passcode: HeadUp
Please do email administrator@head-up.org if you have any questions or access requirements you'd like to let us know about! Please note captions will be available in zoom; you can join with your camera and mic on or off, as you can communicate via the chat function if you prefer.