
There will be a remembrance service at the McGrath Centre in St Catharine's College, on Monday the 20th at 7:30PM, to commemorate Trans Day of Remembrance. All in Cambridge are welcome, and encouraged to attend. CN: Death, transphobia.















Transgender Day of Remembrance is observed yearly, on the 20th of November, to honour and remember those who have lost their lives due to transphobic violence. St Catharine's are holding a service to mark this day.

If you would like to contribute a reading (either to read out yourself, or for someone to read out on your behalf) - there is a google form at https://linktr.ee/catzlgbtq you can fill out to sign up for this. In addition, if you would like to volunteer to read something on others' behalf, or to assist in reading out the names of trans/GNC people who have died in the last year, please DM @catzlgbtq (on instagram) or email jcr.lgbtq@caths.cam.ac.uk .

We hope to welcome many of you to the service and some refreshments will be provided. ?????‍??

Access statement for the McGrath Centre: The McGrath Centre has ground floor access. It is accessible via electronic door and there will be disabled toilet facilities. There is an induction loop and there will be a designated quiet area. Please get in touch if you have any further questions or requests about access.

Directions: Please make your way to St Catharine’s Porters Lodge where there is a map or a porter will be able to direct you to the room.