What is Student Council?

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What is Student Council

Student Council is a space to propose and debate motions which, if passed, will become SU Policy, whilst also holding your elected officers to account. Each college, school and SU Campaign has voting members who represent their constituencies.

It takes place every other Monday during term time, starting at 6.30pm in the University Centre. For room details and any updates, check the SU website or our social media in advance. 


Who makes up Student Council? 

  • The eight Cambridge SU Sabbatical Officers

  • The SU Portfolio Officers for Double Time Students, Mature Students, Part-Time Students, and Students with Families

  • 2 representatives of each SU Campaign (or 1 where the Campaign has a sabbatical representative); 1 Undergraduate and 1 Postgraduate

  • 2 representatives per College of the University; 1 for each J/MCR except where there is only one common room in a college

  • 2 Academic Representatives per School of the University; 1 Undergraduate and 1 Postgraduate


How to propose a motion: 

Any student can propose a motion to Student Council as long as they can find another student to second it.

Motions are divided into three sections; 

  1. "Cambridge SU Notes" where you give the relevant facts for your motion to give context. 

  2. "Cambridge SU Believes" where you give the stance you want the SU to take on the topic. 

  3. "Cambridge SU Resolves" where you give the actions you want the SU to take to address the issue. 


You can select whether your motion is an action motion (asking the SU to do a specific one-time thing) or a policy motion (asking the SU to go forward with this stance/campaign for the next three years).

You can find a motion template on the SU website which explains this more: Template Council Motion.docx (cambridgesu.co.uk)

You will then email this motion to the Chair, on chair@cambridgesu.co.uk by the deadline for papers, who will check that it follows the correct format and doesn't breach our by-laws or charity law. They will then circulate it to council members to read in advance of Student Council.

At Student Council, you will be able to explain why you have submitted the motion and answer any questions that council members may have. 

If your motion is an action motion, it will be debated and voted on immediately. If it is a policy motion, council members will take it to their respective constituencies for feedback and bring it back to the next meeting for debate and vote.


As voted for in the first Student Council of Michaelmas term, Student Council will be changing from Lent Term. Make sure to check back for updates on this.



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