Looking for research participants?

If you want to spread the word about your research study and are looking to find volunteers to participate in your studies, please complete the form below. Please note this service is only available to current students in study at the University of Cambridge.




Want to help science, get paid, and also get a picture of your brain? We are looking for participants for a paid two-parts fMRI study!

The experiment will be held at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. Both parts of the experiment will be scheduled at the same time, and the second part will be scheduled to occur 2-14 days after the first part.

In each part you will first perform a task outside the scanner, in which you will view visual stimuli (words and pictures). Then we will scan your brain while you perform a memory task.

After each part, reimbursement (£30 X 2 = £60) will be made.

You need to be right-handed, native English speakers, aged 18-35, and have no diagnoses of developmental/learning difficulties, such as Dyslexia, Autism, Asperger, or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Please e-mail roni.tibon@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk if you'd like to participate, providing your contact details, so we can verify your eligibility.