Selwyn College Junior Common Room is made up of all Selwyn undergraduates and is represented by the JCR committee, elected annually at the end of Michaelmas term.
The committee is made up of 23 officers. Their central role is to represent the interests and look after the wellbeing of Selwyn students. This involves a huge variety of things, from sitting on College councils to discussing accomodation provisions, looking at how the College can be more ethical and running ents. You can find out more about what each officer does by reading our page on Committee members.
Our full committee meet once a week, and our sub-committees (the executive, welfare team and liberation team) also meet regularly. We also host at least 2 Open Meetings a term.
We want to be as engaged and transparent with students as possible. If you would like to give us any suggestions, complaints, feedback etc., please do so on our website's (optionally anonymous) contact form or email any of us.
Please log in to view current committee members.