
CUWS caters for everyone interested in Amateur Radio, a hobby which covers everything from talking to friends using a handheld radio, through communicating by radio with people in Australia.

CUWS caters for everyone interested in Amateur Radio, a hobby which covers everything from talking to friends using a handheld radio, through communicating by radio with people in Australia and New Zealand, to communicating with the International Space Station. CUWS has a very well-equipped HF radio station on the outskirts of Cambridge, which is available for use by members, and from which members regularly contact other amateurs all over the world. We participate in international contests, organise expeditions (recent destinations include Iceland, the Outer Hebrides, Montserrat, and Svalbard) and take Amateur Radio into the community (visiting schools during Science Week and training local Scouts). You only need to complete a few practical exercises and a simple multiple choice exam to gain a transmitting licence and get on the air: everything can be arranged by CUWS.