Access to




Katie Clarke
Undergraduate  Access, Education & Participation Officer

We know it isn’t easy choosing which university to go to and applying to Cambridge can feel like a big decision to make! As we’ve experienced this ourselves, we’d like to try answer any questions you might have and help you make informed decisions. From web pages on Colleges (where we live) to courses, social life to academic support, the Cambridge SU Alternative Prospectus is the student insight to Cambridge: we’re not trying to ‘sell’ it to you – rather tell you our experience so you can decide for yourself.

Neela Madhuree
Postgraduate Access, Education & Participation Officer

Our Cambridge SU PG Alternative Prospectus will be an honest, unfiltered insight into postgraduate life at the University of Cambridge. You'll find everything you need to know about the College system, academic and wellbeing support, and socialising in Cambridge, all directly from current students. If you want to get involved please get in touch!

Alternative Prospectus

Students acrosss Cambridge have given their honest opinions on their colleges, courses, and student life. You can find information on accommodation, funding, workload, as well as students' favourite (and least favourite!) things about their Cambridge experience. Click below to find out more and make the decision that is right for you.

Shadowing Scheme

two students sitting at a table with a mentor, working on a problem. The Shadowing Scheme is the SU's free student-led access initiative, which runs Sunday-Tuesday residential over three weeks for Year 12 (S5 in Scotland or Year 13 in Northern Ireland) students at a state school in the UK. Participants come to Cambridge and 'shadow' an undergraduate Mentor who is studying a subject they're interested in, they attend lectures, stay in a student room, meet lots of current students at a range of events and activities, and get advice on applying to Cambridge. 


#CambTweet is Cambridge SU's Twitter-based project that helps you find out about student life at Cambridge. There’s one student volunteer per (nearly every) subject, and they’re tweeting daily about everything from what they’re studying to hanging out with friends. Search #CambTweet or @cambtweet on Twitter to find them.