With domestic tuition fees set to rise and both English maintenance loans and the Cambridge Bursary failing to keep pace with real inflation, an increasing number of students are struggling to afford necessities like food. Additionally, the cost of meals across colleges varies significantly, leaving many students unable to access their college’s food provisions due to growing affordability issues.
What have we done?
In Michaelmas 2024, Katie and Sarah successfully passed an action motion at Student Council to establish a scheme aimed at supporting student nutrition and sustenance in response to rising living costs and reduced financial support. To kickstart the initiative, £500 from the Council’s free budget was allocated to fund the scheme’s creation and its initial trial period. The trial is set to launch at the beginning of Lent Term 2025.
What do we want to achieve?
Our goal is to ensure that all students have affordable access to nutritious food and a stable standard of living that promotes their well-being and academic success - achieved through the introduction of a free grocery scheme designed to support those facing financial hardship.