Our Preventing Prevent Toolkit is here! The toolkit contains resources to support College- and University-level campaigning against the Prevent Duty. Prevent is a legal duty which requires public sector organisations such as universities to monitor people and report signs of ‘radicalisation’ - it’s massively expanded government surveillance, stifling dissent, and further institutionalised Islamophobia. 


Use our toolkit to start mobilising opposition to Prevent in your College today: 

  • Read our briefing to educate yourself on the history and background of Prevent and why we need to abolish it 

  • Bring our mock motion to your J/MCR and mandate it to boycott Prevent-related activities in your College

  • Ask your J/MCR to sign our pledge, which calls for the University to back the boycott of the government’s sham review of Prevent

  • Follow Preventing Prevent and get involved in their campaigning


Read more about why we’ve launched a toolkit and why we’re opposed to the Prevent Duty below.



Check out the Toolkit here