Improving student safety and welfare is crucial in creating a supportive, secure environment for everyone at Cambridge. We want to address the unique challenges students face, advocating for better resources, safer spaces, and services that promote overall welfare. By strengthening the connection between students and the university, we aim to ensure that everyone feels heard, valued, and protected throughout their time at university.


What we are working on


Active-bystander intervention training - Katie Clarke

Update coming soon.

Open Colleges - Sarah Anderson

Background: A policy was passed at Student Council in February 2024 which mandates the SU to campaign to improve access into and through colleges for students from other colleges. Many colleges have confusing and inconsistently applied policies for this currently.

What have we done? We have written a draft proposal to improve consistency between colleges which will go to Bursar’s Committee in Lent Term.

What do we want to achieve? We want colleges to agree to be open to all Cambridge students between consistent times and to allow students to access help from the porters at all times.

Tutor Training - Sarah Anderson

Background: New tutors are currently offered introductory training which is organised by the Chair of the Senior Tutors Committee. It is mostly scenario based and details can be found here.

What have we done? I have been meeting with the Office for Intercollegiate Services to discuss current provision.

  • I have been trying to arrange a meeting with the Senior Tutor who currently runs the training but we haven’t yet been able to find a time
  • I’ve spent some time looking through the current training offered and will go back with feedback

What do we want to achieve? Refresher training on support services for all long-standing tutors and clearer lines of communication from the central university out to the colleges on how to best support students’ welfare when major world events may be impacting them.

Campaign to end sexual violence at the University  - Katie Clarke

What have we done? Katie is in the process of writing several policy motions focusing around Drinking society regulation, peer-led bystander intervention programs and the red zone initiative. She is also in the process of securing some council free budget to fund an anonymous reporting system, and a small media campaign to bring awareness to the cause in collaboration with CESV.

Porter DEI training - Elleni Eshete

Update coming soon.

Liberation & Welfare Officer training- Elleni Eshete

Update coming soon.