The non-student community in Cambridge is lively and full of important campaigning. As students who live in the city, we must view ourselves as part of this city-wide community rather than just confined to our colleges or university sites.


The University’s ownership of most of the land in the city centre means that a ‘town/gown’ division is formed through the geographical boundary of fortress colleges. Local community organising groups are regularly campaigning to make life better for people living in Cambridge. As part of this city-wide community, it’s essential for students to participate in and connect with non-student activities. It’s also important for us to hold our University to account for the way that its dominance in the city has reshaped the Cambridge community, and ensure our colleges are taking responsibility for what land they own and other ways they uphold the town/gown divide. During the cost of living crisis, it’s more important than ever to build strong connections in our community and help out where we can. 


Our Welfare and Community Officer attends the Women’s Homelessness Action Group and the Cambridge & District Trades Council


Some groups you can volunteer for are: 


You can also get involved in the campaign work done by: