Looking after yourself
Life as a student at Cambridge is full of new exciting, rewarding and fulfilling opportunities. However, while you may be here to study, it is important to make sure you look after your mental health, take breaks from work, find time to socialise and time for yourself amidst all the business of a Cambridge term. There are many places where you can find support if you are struggling at all, on both a college and university level. Your College pastoral team, college nurse and J/MCR welfare officers are all there to support you from your college, and there is a huge network of support for students at a University level and provided by the SU. In particular, the Students’ Union runs the Student Advice Service, which provides incredible support and advice for all students across the University. If you are a postgraduate student, I’d suggest you join the UCU, the Union which represents academic and academic-related staff working in Further and Higher Education in the UK (masters students join free!).