Zines & Publications
Cambridge SU seeks to amplify student voice and campaigns and media outlet provide a wealth of creative content for students to enjoy. Written by and for current Cambridge students, these zines and publications bring together creative writing, artwork, poetry and opinion.
Get Real is the created by the Cambridge SU LGBT+ Campaign. Get Real. exists to platform LGBT+ voices and issues. The goals of Get Real are liberation, collaboration, and intersectionality. It is committed to bringing together the writing and other creative output of LGBT+ students, especially those who face oppression on multiple axes and who are most often spoken over. To get involved with the publication, connect with the campaign and be sure to join the Get Real group.
DSC Zine collection
The DSC Zine is produced termly and is packed with content from Cambridge's disabled student community.
gender agenda zine collection
Gender Agenda is the termly zine from the Cambridge SU Women's Campaign. Gender Agenda provides both an opportunity for platforming the journalism and writing of women and non-binary people, and a publication which focused on issues pertinent to women and non-binary people in the University and around the globe. Originally founded due to the low ratio of women accepted into the Varsity and TCS teams, Gender Agenda became a credible publication in its own right, whilst preserving the ethos of supporting women’s and non-binary people’s journalism, upon which it was founded.
Welfare Zine collection
Latest Zines from the Welfare is Political project brought to you by your Welfare & Communities Officer.

Mental health forum zine 2020

Supporting Student Sex Workers zine