Cambridge SU Leadership Elections 2025

The Leadership Elections are your opportunity to vote in your new student leaders of Cambridge SU, or stand to be one of them. We are electing a team of 5 Sabbatical Officers to lead Cambridge SU, and a University Councillor. There is also a by-election included for the 2024/25 Access, Education & Participation (PG) Officer.

7 posts are up for election.

The polls have closed, and results have been published.


Manifesto Booklet


College Leaderboard 

The College at the top of the leaderboard the moment voting closes at 5pm on Thursday 27th February will receive a visit from Jack’s Gelato, who will be providing £450 of free gelato.


What are the leadership elections at Cambridge SU?

In Lent Term, we hold the Leadership Elections to elect the incoming Sabbatical Officer Team. Sabbatical Officers are elected to represent students to the University, locally, and nationally. They work full-time as part of the wider Students' Union staff team, intermitting their studies until the next academic year. 

This year we will see a change to the Sabbatical Officer roles and will now be electing the following: 

  • President (UG)
  • President (PG)
  • Vice President (Education & Widening Participation)
  • Vice President (Student Community & Societies)
  • Vice President (Liberation & Welfare) 


As well as the part-time voluntary position of University Councillor up for election which any student can run for and do alongside their studies. 

We also have a by-election running for Access, Education, and Participation Officer (PG) this role is to be part of the current Sabbatical Officer team and therefore the successful candidate will be in post until July 2025.

We're looking forward to seeing the successful candidates bring focused leadership to key areas of student life. 



Sabbatical Officer Job Packs



Want to know more about running in the elections?

Sign up to our mailing list and register your interest.

Elections Timeline




General Election Information


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Election Rules & Rulings

Find out more about the election rules and rulings. 

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Running in an Election

Find out how to submit your nomination in the Elections.


Voting system

Read more about how to cast your vote and how SU elections are counted.

Campaigning Tips

Check out tips for running a successful election campaign.



Election News Updates